Knowing what to do after an accident can make a huge difference in whether or not you will be compensated for your injuries. If you are in an auto accident follow the list below to provide the best possible circumstances for the attorneys at Mickel & Huffman to pursue your claim:
- Seek Medical Attention
If you are injured in an auto accident the most important thing to do is seek medical attention promptly. Many injuries require immediate attention to address. Moreover, some injuries will not present symptoms for some time after the accident – it is very important to seek medical attention as soon as you become aware of an injury.
- File a Police Report
In most injury accidents the police will be called and will fill out a report and possibly issue a citation to the at-fault driver on the scene of the accident. However, if the police are not called it is very important for the injured party to file a police report as soon as possible to support their claim of damages.
- Do Not Give A Statement To Any Insurance Company Representative
In many cases, once an insurance company becomes aware that their insured was involved and at fault in an auto accident, they will reach out to the injured party. Insurance companies do this in order to obtain facts which they can use to defend their insured – these insurance companies are not on your side! If you are contacted by anyone from an insurance company, respectfully decline to provide a statement and call the attorneys at Mickel & Huffman immediately. Our attorneys are experienced in dealing with insurance companies and will provide excellent advocacy on your behalf in dealing with the insurance companies.
- Record Everything
If you are injured in an auto accident, it is important to keep all relevant documentation in order to provide it to your attorney at Mickel & Huffman. If you are able, it is important to take pictures of the scene, including your vehicle and the tortfeasor’s vehicle – these pictures will help your attorneys support your claim. It is also important to keep copies of any other documentation that you receive from the police, your medical records, vehicle repair bills/estimates, statements from insurance companies – anything and everything that relates in any way to your injury.
- Call The Experienced Attorneys at Mickel & Huffman
As soon as you are able to do so, it is important to contact an experienced attorney. At Mickel & Huffman, we have extensive experience in fighting for compensation for injured people and their families. From the moment that you are injured the tortfeasor’s insurance company, and their attorneys, are working on defending their insured – it is very important for injured people to have someone on their side, fight for them right away. Call the experienced trial attorneys at Mickel & Huffman today for a free consultation and case evaluation.